Hydra compared with JSON API, other specifications


I’m iterating on a couple of API projects and have been reviewing the status of current API specification projects. JSON API (http://www.cerebris.com/blog/2015/06/04/jsonapi-1-0/) reached v1.0 earlier this year and is more comprehensive than HAL (see http://jsonapi.org/faq/). I suspect Hydra could be even more flexible and comprehensive in terms of defining an API. However within the JSON API community that spec is being promoted as an anti-bikeshedding tool (avoid lots of debate about small issues) and yet getting to 1.0 involved a lot of bikeshedding! 

Has there been any comparisons between JSON API and Hydra, and what is behind the design choices of Hydra? I suppose a similar FAQ for Hydra along the lines of why it goes beyond other API framework specifications would be great :) 



Paul Mackay | 07761 050542 | www.folklabs.com

Received on Monday, 4 January 2016 14:11:11 UTC