Re: Filters as views (ISSUE-45)

> I think it's unwise for Hydra to have any querying capability at all
> built in.

Where do you draw the line between collection filtering and querying?

As soon as you take a subset of anything, technically, you're querying.

> Instead, it should be really easy to plug in OData, SPARQL
> and other extrenal query langauges.

+1, but let's make basic scenarios possible without any of these.
Searching for things is something very basic (conceptually).

>> A generic notion of expressions should be sufficient.
> As long as it's pluggable, I agree.


> Hydra is not (or
> imho; should not be) primarily about querying, but about hypermedia
> controls and affordance.

+1, but we need to be able to express what a hypermedia control does.


Received on Wednesday, 24 February 2016 14:00:09 UTC