Re: Filters as views (ISSUE-45)

Hi Dietrich,

+1 on opposing a full-blown input parameters definition language. I 
think that it extends beyond simple hypermedia, which Hydra should be 
focused on.


On 2016-02-15 09:55, Dietrich Schulten wrote:
> One more thing. Some prior statements also seem to imply that a URI
> template is (mainly) a query.
> I'd like to remind us that a URI Template is not a query at all. It is a
> way to describe a URI space. Even if we come up with a full-blown query
> language, we still aren't able to describe all aspects of a URI
> template. It not only has query variables {?query}, but also matrix
> variables {;key1,key2}, path variables {/productcategory} and more.

This is so important. Thanks for putting words to it! URI Templates are 
first and foremost about hypermedia (links), which require user input. 
That user is most often a human. Unfortunately we have focused on 
filtering collections yet there can be an uncountable number of 
links/operations, which we cannot predict let alone define the semantics of.

Received on Monday, 15 February 2016 19:44:08 UTC