Re: Filters as views (ISSUE-45)

Hi Tomasz,

>> IMO we will be fine with unspecified filters' semantics.

Then we don't make any progress over hydra:search.

>> It is how traditional forms work on HTML pages anyway.

Those are for humans; they explain in English what they do.
We are building forms for machines.

>> – With regard to the above, an alternative way
>> to express GET /markus/friends?first=Ruben
>> would be to make "/markus/friends?first=Ruben" the "main" resource,
>> to express Ruben as a member of that,
>> and relate the resource to its parent. ("viewOf"?)
>> Now, the "main" resource is the collection the view belongs to.
>> Same with paging.
> I don't think Hydra should be too opinionated about that.

Could be; but we should think/advise about the impact of either option.

>> – GET /markus/friends: the "totalItems 10" correctly expresses
>> the number of items on the current page.
>> It does, however, not say anything about the other pages.
>> This might or might not be desired.
> Hold on, I'm confused. Doesn't View's totalItems mean that the number of items of filtered, but unpaged collection?

Maybe I'm confused then. This needs to be explained.



Received on Tuesday, 9 February 2016 11:46:09 UTC