RE: Lets move forward

On 22 Dez 2016 at 13:25, Tomasz Pluskiewicz wrote:
> Everything below sounds good. I wouldn't discount PRs to the spec itself
> but I see your point.


> Regarding the main spec, what do you think about splitting it into smaller chunks and using
> respec's include feature[1]? I'm also collaborating with the author so that it works correctly
> with markdown includes [2]. It could further lower the entry barrier.

I don't think it has much to do with the size of the document, more with its nature. Writing a good specification is neither simple nor fun.

> Regarding drafts, I'd like to add one for collections based on what we have in the wiki. I
> understand that Ruben will come back soon with something on those matters as well?

AFAIK Ruben will focus more on a high-level architectural diagram or something similar. Please go ahead and file a PR for a collections draft.. no need to wait.


> [1]:
> [2]:

Markus Lanthaler

Received on Thursday, 22 December 2016 14:23:38 UTC