Re: ODP: Re: Replace hydra:Error with application/problem+json

Hi Karol,

that was a misunderstanding.

Am 27.09.2015 um 13:56 schrieb Karol SzczepaƄski:
> Hi
> Your approach would put non-RDF clients to problem as you suggest to
> respond with application/ld+json instead of application/problem+json.

That was not my intention at all.
The idea is: *If* a client says in its POST that it accepts
application/ld+json, then the service might respond with

Content-Type: application/ld+json

If another client comes to the same service and accepts
application/json, then the server might respond with
application/problem+json, similarly for XML.

The rules of conneg apply, of course. The server may respond whatever it
wants to.


Received on Sunday, 27 September 2015 13:38:01 UTC