Re: Pagination - let's finalize the collection design (ISSUE-42)

Hi Ruben

>> - show numbered pager - currently client wouldn't know how many pages 
>> there
>> are
>Just a thought: this could be covered if pages could be associated with a 
>page number.
>"This is page x" is common on the human Web.
>Then, we can just mention the number of the last page.

But how a client knows whether /my-collection/view?page=2 is actually a page 
no. 2? Is thie page numbering counted from 0 or from 1?
Consider this standard pager:
<< < 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 > >>

How to transform an Uri to a numeric value? Parse it?

I know that for small-screen mobile devices next page is enough, but larger 
screens (desktop / tablet) it's common to have a nice looking pager - people 
got used to it.



Received on Monday, 12 October 2015 17:43:46 UTC