Re: Question about Triple Pattern Fragment (TPF) and hydra:filter

> You'd probably need something like (warning: mock-up)
> <>
>     hydra-ex:filter [
>         hydra:template "{?p}";
>         hydra:mapping [ hydra:variable "p"; hydra:property rdf:predicate ],
>                       [ hydra-ex:constant ""; hydra:property rdf:subject ]
>     ].
> Here, I used hydra-ex to indicate properties that do not exist officially.
> We thus need to inject a constant in the filter, I think.
> Any opinions?

I think just only hydra-ex:filter is enough.
I understand that you use following triples for identifying the collection:
"hydra-ex:constant ""; hydra:property rdf:subject"

However, in the REST manner. I think the operation should perform
against the resource that attach to.
In this case the operation is the filter. The resource is the
Therefore, the hydra-ex:filter should be enough.

Do you have any opinion?


Received on Tuesday, 6 October 2015 08:15:31 UTC