Re: Client POC

On 11/10/2015 6:50, Karol SzczepaƄski wrote:
> Hi Thomas
> Thank you for your feedback.
>>> - class description in general uses OWL restrictions on properties - 
>>> not very convinient
>> I hope that SHACL can be used for this in the future.
> I hope so. I'm just wondering how to have Hydra + SHACL working 
> together without confusing the client (hydra:Class, 
> hydra:SupportedProperty, rdf:Property, schacl:Shape, etc.)

One option is to declare hydra:Class rdfs:subClassOf sh:Shape. Then you 
can use sh:property etc directly at the hydra:Classes. (Unless my 
currently proposed solution to ISSUE-23 gets shot down by the WG).


Received on Tuesday, 10 November 2015 03:05:09 UTC