Re: Client POC

Hi, some random thoughts below.
> Summarizing, few facts:
> - only API documentation is used, but for operations like POST a 
> Location header is provided and for lists a Content-Range header is 
> provided as an HATOAS elements; I think that when it comes to business 
> applications and UI real HATOAS state-by-state approach won't work as 
> the application cannot suprise users with unpredicted outcomes - some 
> knowledge ahead is necessary
> - class description in general uses OWL restrictions on properties - 
> not very convinient
I hope that SHACL can be used for this in the future.
> - operations returns or expects anonymous sub classes of their 
> respective classes to provide additional contextual details, like how 
> a given class functions as an expected instance
> - custom predicate is introduced to denote that a single value is 
> expected/returned; if not set multiple instances are assumed
Also cardinality should be covered by SHACL.
> - custom predicate is introduced to denote acceptable media types
See below.
> - custom predicates are introduced for limit/offset mappings
> - I'm using owl:InverseFunctionalProperty to mark classe's property as 
> a primary key one; it's not elegant as for datatypes this moves whole 
> RDF to OWL Full, but for the time beeing let it be that way
Why do you need to tell the client?
> - whole Hydra may be a little bit outdated - I'm unable to test it 
> with the Hydra Console as Markus broke the PHP's JSON-LD processor ;-)
> - I'm not using few Hydra's predicates like hydra:description in 
> favour to their generics like rdfs:comment as I see no use for them
Same for me, I'm not using them anymore.
> - currently client doesn't interprete readable/writeable/required 
> properties correctly
> - server produces an API documentation on the fly from the code 
> (reflection and few other mechanisms), thus every change in that 
> should be reflected and adopted by the client
> Let's me give several areas that I struggled a lot during the 
> implementation.
> 1. API Documentation model gives a lot of freedom. I think it's too 
> much of it. I already had that conversation with Ruben that sticking 
> to RDFS/OWL we put a lot of burdain on the clients. This is indeed the 
> case. Example: in order to express that an operation returns single 
> instance of a given type I used Markus' suggestion to use a subclass 
> of that type with few extension predicates to denote cardinality 
> details. Hydra doesn't give any way of expressing that (or no obvious 
> way), and as an alternative to what I've used would be using a 
> hydra:Collection as a returns but we'd loose information on what type 
> of the members are.
With the new collection design [1] you would not loose semantic fidelity.
> Same issue goes for describing the classes. I've used OWL cardinality 
> constraints on properties, but this opens doors to much complicated 
> constructs I don't want a Javascript client to touch.
> I'd stick to similar approach guys from SHACL used - OWL model of 
> SHACL almost doesn't exist - just few classes and properties, 
> everything is defined using ... SHACL itself which seems to be more 
> fitting the Closed World Assumption and it's classic data structures 
> than Open World Assumption and RDF. Client understanding SHACL doesn't 
> need to bother of what an OWL reasoner may find as it won't find 
> anything - properties has neither ranges nor domains, thus when 
> attaching a property to an instance won't give any unexpected discovery.
> 2. Another issue I had was with pagination. Again, API Documentation 
> is silent in this area. In order to make the client aware of 
> pagination I had to use yet another custom predicate used for 
> IriTemplate mappings (skip and take), which then are fed by the client 
> with values from the UI.
> In order to cover full support for both RDF (by means of JSON-LD) and 
> classic JSON serializations, I used custom Content-Range unit named 
> "members", as I wouldn't be able to inject hypermedia into a JSON 
> payload (or this extra would break lots of things). This is also more 
> generic.
> 3. Hydra's model also doesn't fit to ... datatypes (in terms of 
> RDF/XSD datatypes). In order to denote that an operation returns 
> values of type xsd:string I had to elevate it to hydra:Class, which I 
> think is not very elegant. I think this moves whole RDF content to OWL 
> Full as only in this profile datatypes are not disjoint from classes. 
> Correct me if I'm wrong, but if it's not the case, still datatype 
> shouldn't be considered a class - at least I think these shouldn't be.
> 4. We had also several duscussions on how to expand Hydra's 
> capabilities to non-RDF formats and I always statet that not that much 
> of an effort is needed to make it happen. In general, I describe JSON 
> classes same way as those RDF ones, only difference is that those 
> classes/properties IRIs are not HTTP referencable. I used 
> 'javascript': scheme instead - this doesn't break RDF and still 
> Javascript client may be capable of analyzing these data. I had to use 
> a custom predicate on operation to denote allowed media types, which 
> still may be useful for RDF as not all serialization formats are 
> always available. I think in case of business applications sometimes 
> content negotiations won't work nicely and few details described ahead 
> comes in handy.
Yea, I also stressed this discussion in the past and think we need this [2].
> Ok, that's what has been implemented. As for further investigation I 
> plan to cover somehow these:
> - ordered lists support
> - key-value pair map/dictionary like structures support
> - sorting lists - there is nothing about that in Hydra for now and I 
> see no reasonable external solution
> - currently, all properties are literals; if having properties with 
> relations to other resources, question araises of how to tell the 
> client on where to get the values from; if no explicit pointer is set 
> client may search the API documentation for a given supported class 
> and try to find a suitable method, but something explicitely defined 
> may disambiguate it (i.e. custom search-as-you-type operation 
> accepting an user input that will be use as a free text query). 
> Something like OWLs allValuesFrom but pointing to an operation might 
> come in handy.
I solve this by the context. If a value is a relation, I just do:




if its just a literal.


> Feel free to make suggestions. I’m also opened for criticism.
> Best
> Karol Szczepański

Received on Sunday, 8 November 2015 13:12:20 UTC