Re: New Hydra API generator: feedback needed

If implementing the new design means using hydra:collection and the manages 
block to point to remote collections, I personally would advise to do it to 
verify the design. E.g. I found that sometimes there is no identifiable 
subject or object which could be given in the manages block, which lead me 
to the proposal to use a blank node in such a case (still awaiting feedback 
for that).

You need to be aware that you are an early adopter and that Hydra is a 
draft under active development. Using the old design doesn't give you any 
more stability than trying the new one :)

Best regards,

Am 18. März 2015 23:44:56 schrieb Kévin Dunglas <>:

> Thanks for the link Dietrich. Do you think the new design is ready to be
> implemented or should we keep the current published spec for now?
> I'm very interested in feedbacks about JsonLdApiBundle, especially about
> the validity of the generated Hydra and the two issues I posted in my first
> mail (where to put filter definition and how to handle many-to-many
> relations). Can anyone take it a look?
> Thank you :)
> 2015-03-11 17:28 GMT+01:00 Dietrich Schulten <>:
> >   Hi Kévin,
> >
> > the wiki description of the collection design is at
> >
> >
> >
> > The issues are #41 and #42.
> >
> > Best regards,
> > Dietrich
> >
> > On March 9, 2015 9:58:09 PM Kévin Dunglas <> wrote:
> >
> >> Hi,
> >>
> >> I've published a new tool to create hypermedia REST API with the Symfony
> >> framework.
> >> It supports JSON-LD and Hydra and leverages Symfony to make it really
> >> easy to the average web developper to create that kind of API. Even if they
> >> don't share any code, this bundle has been inspirited by Markus's
> >> HydraBundle and can be considered as a HydraBundle on steroid.
> >>
> >> It uses Doctrine, Symfony Serializer (2.7) and Symfony Validator metadata
> >> to generate the Hydra documentation (no need for special annotations -
> >> except for external IRIs -, a typical Doctrine entity class will works
> >> great without any extra work) ; it supports out of the box serialization
> >> and deserialization groups, pagination, filters, errors and is highly
> >> extensible (event system, pluggabbles normalizers).
> >> The code source and the full list of features is available on GitHub:
> >>
> >>
> >> I've also built a demo API (a bookstore). The source code is also
> >> available on GitHub:
> >> A public endpoint is available here:
> >> HydraConsole:
> >> 
> >>
> >> It works great with the Hydra console. However, there is two features not
> >> well described in the generated Hydra documentation and I don't know how to
> >> handle that correctly:
> >>
> >>    - Filters (ex:
> >> are not
> >>    described in the Hydra documentation. I've read about hydra:search in the
> >>    spec but I don't know where is the preferred way to add those 
> definitions.
> >>    In hydra:supportedOperation? Do you have an example of an API using
> >>    hydra:search available?
> >>    - Many-To-Many relations such as the author property in this
> >>    document: An hydra
> >>    documentation is generated but should be invalid because the 
> collection of
> >>    is not recognized by Hydra console. Any hint on how to fix that?
> >>
> >> Any feedback, both on the JSON-LD / Hydra support and on the ease of use
> >> as a web developer is welcome.
> >>
> >> P.S.: I've read on the list about a new Collection format but wasn't able
> >> to find the mail or the issue where it is described, can you send me a
> >> pointer to this new format?
> >>
> >> Best regards,
> >>
> >>
> >> --
> >> Kévin Dunglas
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >>
> --
> Kévin Dunglas

Received on Thursday, 19 March 2015 04:32:24 UTC