Re: what's the subject?

On 2015-03-13 18:44, Markus Lanthaler wrote:
> Shouldn't the graph be about the resource that was used to retrieve it? In
> other words, doesn't the URL tell you what the main resource is? I do
> understand that hash URLs etc. complicate this.

Hash or not I think it is a real issue. Another example is when a 
representation is split across multiple urls. Think </bob>, which returns

</bob> a foaf:Person ; foaf:givenName "Bob" .

and </bob/friends> which returns

</bob> foaf:knows </alice>, </frank>, </mike> .

This is especially true for anyone trying to enhance existing JSON API 
so that it becomes JSON-LD: The requested URL </bob/friends> does not 
have to be an actual resource identifier but merely an address for 
additional data about </bob>. This is how many APIs are structured and 
it is indeed an obstacle with RDF Linked Data where we struggle to make 
each URL an identifier.

Received on Saturday, 14 March 2015 18:42:28 UTC