RE: what's the subject?

On 24 Feb 2015 at 15:21, François-Paul Servant wrote:
> sometimes, you follow a link in some LD data (a link labeled with "p" that
points to "o"),
> and then you don't have any obvious way to know what the returned data is
about. It may
> indeed happen that "o" is not mentioned in the returned data (one possible
reason, among
> others, is when there is some kind of redirect from "o" to another URI).
It may also happen
> that the "main subject"  of the returned data is not explicitly stated.
> Eg. in /alice you have: </alice> foak:knows </bob> you get </bob>. The
> HTTP client is set to follow the redirects, and there is a redirection
> to </robert> So you get some data, for instance: </robert>
> foaf:firstName "Robert", foaf:nick "Bob".

That doesn't tell you that /bob is the same person as /robert, does it?

> Shouldn't hydra provide a simple way to state "the main subject of this
> representation is </robert>"?

I'm not sure that Hydra should define that. It is also not clear to me how
something like that should be defined in a generic way for arbitrary data.
It may be simpler to do that in the context of specific types.,
e.g., has

Markus Lanthaler

Received on Wednesday, 4 March 2015 21:20:30 UTC