Re: Link relation type to link to discover LDP

On Thursday 11. June 2015 09.15.50 Ruben Verborgh wrote:
> I'm thinking of a predicate that means something like “also available
> here”.

Yes, but it should also indicate that the same data can be queried through 
a different interface.

> hydra:entrypoint could be a candidate, although I'm not too big a fan of
> the semantics: there's not really one entry point into a TPF interface;
> each fragment is an entry point.

Yeah, I don't like it for the same reason. It should be something like 
hydra:youCanStartAnywhereForExampleHere :-) But I think I can live with 

> hydra:search has an IriTemplate as domain, so is probably not the
> property we are looking for.

Unless they actually link to the IriTemplate, which arguably would suffice 
in many cases... Wouldn't it? It might even be a good idea, as that could 
then have a very long freshness lifetime. If the IriTemplate is part of a 
VoID description or indeed as control information for a result, it would 
follow the change frequency of the data. 
> Another option is to have a very specific property like "has TPF
> interface", though that might be overly specific then.

Yeah, I think that is overly specific. I suppose it should apply to any 
query interface that can be expressed with Hydra?



Received on Thursday, 11 June 2015 08:57:52 UTC