Re: How to express dereferenceability? (ISSUE-91)

> 	• Is being dereferenceable a characteristic (I hesitate to say "property" as that's a somewhat loaded term) of the URI or the resource that URI identifies?

That's a crucial issue IMHO.
Following the RDF spec, the properties/objects we add
are characteristics of the underlying resource,
not of the IRI by which its happens to be referred.

As such, I think both proposed solutions
(hydra:Resource / hydra:dereferenceable)
are in conflict with the RDF spec.

Note BTW that I personally don't agree
that a server should express dereferenceability:
- the server doesn't know what the client wants to do
- the client can deference easily anyway
However, I launched this issue because others think differently.



Received on Monday, 19 January 2015 15:13:58 UTC