what's the subject?


sometimes, you follow a link in some LD data (a link labeled with "p" that points to "o"), and then you don't have any obvious way to know what the returned data is about. It may indeed happen that "o" is not mentioned in the returned data (one possible reason, among others, is when there is some kind of redirect from "o" to another URI). It may also happen that the "main subject"  of the returned data is not explicitly stated.

Eg. in /alice you have:
</alice> foak:knows </bob>
you get </bob>. The HTTP client is set to follow the redirects, and there is a redirection to </robert>
So you get some data, for instance:
</robert> foaf:firstName "Robert", foaf:nick "Bob".

Shouldn't hydra provide a simple way to state "the main subject of this representation is </robert>"?


Received on Tuesday, 24 February 2015 14:21:45 UTC