What can we agree on? (ISSUE-42)

I think we are starting to go in circles regarding ISSUE-42. Would everyone
agree with the following statements? Is there anything I forgot?

In Web APIs, we often need to return a lot of related data, e.g., persons
someone knows

Sometimes it is too much data to be returned in a single response

Therefore, we would like to split this data and return it in multiple
responses instead

Nevertheless, the client needs to be able understand, that all these
responses are actually just partial views of a big "collection" (the persons
someone knows)

Due to the way some vocabularies are defined, we can't link directly to such
"helper resources" as that would be misinterpreted by clients (a client
would misinterpret a helper resource to be a person if it would be linked to
via foaf:knows e.g.)

We want the relationships to be explicitly expressed so that we don't have
to rely on a reasoner

If JSON-LD is used as the serialization format, the documents should look as
idiomatic as possible. I.e., they should closely resemble current Web APIs.

Markus Lanthaler

Received on Monday, 23 February 2015 21:50:12 UTC