Re: Pagination (ISSUE-42)

> But if it is not forbidden, then maybe we can do it.

And if it is forbidden (which I hope it is not but I fear it is, as it
feels like /alice would end up knowing the resource /alice/friends), what
about going back to the hydra:manages block and @reverse foaf:knows but
using them in the descriptor and each item of the array respectively? It
might make for a nice compromise.


Jacopo Scazzosi

On Mon, Feb 23, 2015 at 9:22 AM, Dietrich Schulten <> wrote:

> Hi,
> Am 22.02.2015 um 20:43 schrieb Markus Lanthaler:
> > On 16 Feb 2015 at 10:47, Dietrich Schulten wrote:
> >> I want to re-phrase my proposal because my previous attempt appears to
> >> cause misunderstandings.
> >>
> >> This is not only a reply to Andrew, I'd like to ask everybody to
> >> consider my proposal.
> >
> > Thanks for bringing this discussion back to the topic and making a
> concrete proposal.
> >
> >
> >
> >> My proposal is:
> >>
> >> 1. Use hydra:Collection not as a container but as a descriptor, i.e.
> >> keep the actual items outside of the hydra:Collection object and make
> >> them direct values of the property they belong to. Drop hydra:member.
> >
> > So you have a collection without members?
> Indeed, since it would be a descriptor and not a container, the
> collection has no nested json attribute with the members as value.
> Dropping member would be the right thing to do if everybody agrees that
> it is ok to have the members outside the hydra:Collection, because
> otherwise we would have two places where clients must look for the
> collection members.
> >
> >
> > [...]
> >
> >> 5. In order to say things about the collection directly in the context
> >> of the collection response, we must use something else but the
> >> collection response body, because the body contains just items and there
> >> is nothing to attach additional properties to the collection.
> >
> > Not sure I follow. In the body is what you put there. So why is there
> "nothing to attach additional properties"?
> The proposal is that this should be the response body when the client
> dereferences /alice/friends:
> [
>  {"@id":"/bob",
>   "@type": "",
>   "": "Robert Rumbaugh"
>  },
>  {"@id":"/zelda",
>   "@type": "",
>   "": "Zelda Zackney"
>  }
> ]
> In the json array above there is no way to attach additional properties
> to the array (such as paging information).
> Also in RDF these are just two persons. There is no subject which
> represents the collection as an entity in its own right, so I could make
> assertions about it:
> <> <foaf:name> "Robert Rumbaugh" .
> <> <foaf:name> "Zelda Zackney" .
> >
> >
> >> Example responses illustrating my proposal:
> >>
> >>>
> >>>     // server embeds a collection of people Alice knows
> >>>     {
> >>>       "@id": "/alice",
> >>>       "foaf:name": "Alice",
> >>>       "foaf:knows": [
> >>>         {"@id":"/bob", "foaf:name": "Robert Rumbaugh"},
> >>>         {"@id":"/zelda", "foaf:name": "Zelda Zackney"}
> >>>       ],
> >>>       "collection": [
> >>>         {
> >>>         "@id": "/alice/friends",
> >>>         "@type": "Collection",
> >>>         "manages": {
> >>>           "property": "foaf:knows",
> >>>           "subject": "/alice"
> >>>         },
> >>>         "search" : ... an iritemplate,
> >>>         "operation" : ... supportedOperations on /alice/friends
> >>>       ]
> >>>     }
> >
> > Apart from the missing hydra:member relationship this is exactly what we
> currently have.
> Yes, you already told me that this is possible. Actually that made me
> think of the proposal in the first place :)
> It has the advantage that the :knows relationship is where non-hydra
> clients expect them. Also a reasoner would see the :knows relationship,
> no need to re-state it for every hydra:member.
> >
> >
> >>>     // server points to external resource with offset/limit
> >>>     {
> >>>       "@id" : "/alice"
> >>>       // plain link to friends:
> >>>       "foaf:knows" : { "@id": "/alice/friends" },
> >>>       // saying things about the management of /alice/friends:
> >
> > So /alice/friends is intentionally a foaf:Person and a hydra:Collection
> at the same time? I say intentionally as you explicitly mentioned
> Yes, that is what I try to pull off. The thing at /alice/friends is a
> foaf:Person, the reasoner may safely infer that. See below why I hope
> that may be legitimate.
> And as I learned that anyone can say anything about any topic, I also
> state that the same thing at /alice/friends is a resource to which I can
> POST, which I can search through and for which I may retrieve partial
> views.
> >
> >   > 3. Let the list of items be a plain list without surrounding
> container
> >   > because such a container around the items causes problems in the RDF
> >   > model. ("/alice foaf:knows hydra:Collection" makes RDF tools think
> that
> >   > the hydra:Collection is a foaf:Person because foaf:knows defines that
> >   > its values are foaf:Person)
> >
> >
> >>>       "collection": [
> >>>         {
> >>>         "@id": "/alice/friends",
> >>>         "@type": "Collection",
> >>>         "manages": {
> >>>           "property": "foaf:knows",
> >>>           "subject": "/alice"
> >>>         },
> >>>         "partial": {
> >>>             "@type": "IriTemplate",
> >>>             "template": /alice/friends{?offset,limit}
> >>>             "mapping": [
> >>>               {
> >>>               "@type": "IriTemplateMapping",
> >>>               "variable": "offset",
> >>>               "property": "hydra:offset"
> >
> > How is hydra:offset defined?
> similar to hydra:freetextQuery:
> hydra:offset
> A property representing an offset into an array for use in an
> IriTemplate which allows ranged access to a collection. Usually used in
> combination with hydra:limit.
> Range: xsd:integer
> >
> >
> >>>               },
> >>>               {
> >>>               "@type": "IriTemplateMapping",
> >>>               "variable": "limit",
> >>>               "property": "hydra:limit",
> >
> > How is hydra:limit defined?
> hydra:limit
> A property representing a limit to restrict the number of returned items
> when retrieving a collection. Usually used in combination with
> hydra:offset.
> Range: xsd:integer
> >
> >
> >>>               }
> >>>             ]
> >>>         }
> >>>       }
> >>>     }
> >>
> >>>     The target resource returned from /alice/friends is a json-ld set
> of
> >>>     foaf:Person, not a hydra:Collection.
> >
> > What's the advantage of that?
> It makes the user of the reasoner happy, because the reasoner will not
> infer that there is a foaf:Person which is not a :Person at all, but a
> hydra:Collection :)
> >
> >
> >>    The response has the following link header to point to the
> >>    next page.
> >>
> >>    Header:
> >>    Link: <>; rel="next"
> >>    Body:
> >>>     [
> >>>       {"@id":"/bob",
> >>>        "@type": "",
> >>>        "": "Robert Rumbaugh"
> >>>       },
> >>>       {"@id":"/zelda",
> >>>        "@type": "",
> >>>        "": "Zelda Zackney"
> >>>       }
> >>>     ]
> >
> > How would a client know that /alice foaf:knows /zelda ? Should it infer
> that? Based on what information?
> Yep, that is the big open question with my proposal.
> Technically, what has to happen is the following:
> - Client learns that alice knows whoever is at the end of /alice/friends
> - If it wants to find out more, it must dereference
> - When it dereferences, it finds that multiple persons come back
> - it must make the connection that alice knows every single person that
> came back
> In principle, that is not unlike the processing that happens when :knows
> does not have an object as value, but a json array. The value is an
> array in json, but multiple subjects of type :Person in RDF.
> I tried to find the algorithm for properties having an array as value in
> the JSON-LD api [1]. First the json-ld must be flattened [2], then
> deserialized to RDF[3] and then I think in [3] the magic happens:
> "For each item in values: [...]
> Append a triple composed of subject, property, and the result
> of using the Object to RDF Conversion algorithm passing item to triples,
> unless the result is null, indicating a relative IRI that has to be
> ignored."
> I also found in the api [1] that dereferencing only happens for @context
> or as a starting point to read a json-ld document, but not when
> following a link.
> Would it be correct to say that json-ld as of itself has no notion of
> connected documents?
> If that is the case, then it is also out of scope for the json-ld api
> spec that
> /alice foaf:knows /bob
> implies that /bob can be dereferenced to learn more about /bob.
> But somewhere the latter is certainly specified. From the top of your
> head, do you know where? Maybe in the RDF specifications? Right now I
> still hope I can find proof that pointing to an external collection of
> triples from the object of an origin triple is not forbidden. Maybe it
> is even defined.
> But if it is not forbidden, then maybe we can do it. We would need an
> additional processing rule like the json-ld api for hydra clients which
> may be applied if the content-type says that the document is a
> hydra-flavored json-ld:
> application/ld+json; profile=""
> I know, then we are not only a vocabulary anymore, but also a
> media-type. But that would not be bad in itself.
> I hope all this back and forth in the end leads to something everybody
> is satisfied with :)
> Best regards,
> Dietrich
> [1]
> [2]
> [3]

Received on Monday, 23 February 2015 10:41:40 UTC