Re: Pagination (ISSUE-42)


I agree with Dietrichs propositions as I feel these are close to what I had on my mind (which I expressed in one of my previous posts and

There is no need to feed the collection with items due to all the issues raised here by many of you (including latest post by Francois-Paul Servant).
IriTemplate should be enough to address paging/sorting. This should be actually reason to move it out a draft stage asap.
RFC5988 is somehow already consumed by LDP (, which I believe is the closest to HATEOAS  implementetion with HTTP to my understanding.

I believe collection should be treated as a “document” about items, thus it should contain only a description, which also was stated before on theforum.

I hope we’ll end up with some consensus.



Received on Monday, 16 February 2015 18:38:10 UTC