Re: Pagination of non-collections

Hi Tomasz,

> We all concern ourselves with collections. But what about another kind of resources which are large enough so that it may be served in multiple smaller chunks. Like an object with multiple collections. Each collection may be small but together the size becomes significant.
> /person/Tomasz
> /person/Tomasz/friends
> /person/Tomasz/interests
> /person/Tomasz/projects
> /person/Tomasz/hobbies
> /person/Tomasz/family
> etc.
> Each URI above could contain a partial view of
> /person/Tomasz and they would be linked by some custom properties.

Note that the cases above are all covered by Triple Pattern Fragments:
ask for triples with subject /person/Tomasz and the predicate of your choice.

> Isn't this similar to paging collection?

Similar, but not the same.
Paging is extremely universal; it even transcends the Web.

> My point is that a lot of time is being invested to define one very specific way for addressing partial representations (of collections) while a more general approach could be possible to tackle a multitude of similar cases.

Sure, there might be a larger abstraction layer somewhere,
but paging seems a more core concern than your case.
Simple proof: you can apply paging to all of your examples
(e.g., /person/Tomasz/friends?page=2),
but your examples do not apply to all pages.

> At the same time Hydra clients can be kept simpler because there is a general way for doing partial representation and for everything else there already are Links and IriTemplates...

I don't think they would be simpler, because paging
would almost certainly become more complex
because of the added abstraction layer,
and paging is—as argued above—more common by far.



Received on Sunday, 15 February 2015 15:04:19 UTC