Re: Pagination (ISSUE-42)

> Again, IMO, separate Page and Collection types is probably going too far

> Each Collection resource provides first/last/previous/next links, as well as itemsPerPage/totalItems.

The above statements seem mutually exclusive to me:
the previous and next relationships should be functional,
but if they are attached to the collection, they are not.
If they are attached to the page, then the page is a separate type.

Concretely, we can't meaningfully have:
   </collection> :nextPage </collection/page/2>
   </collection> :nextPage </collection/page/3>
at the same time.

We can have
   </collection/page/1> :nextPage </collection/page/2>
   </collection/page/2> :nextPage </collection/page/3>
and then we can still choose whether we attach
:firstPage and :lastPage to the collection or a page.

> We also don't need to mandate what query parameters are used, and could simply be "?page="; why should a client care? It's entirely determined by the collection metadata.

Exactly. Note that :nextPage could even be "?offset=200&limit=100";
so even if the API supports offset/limit, we can still do simple paging.
This approach is currently taken in



Received on Tuesday, 3 February 2015 18:15:07 UTC