RE: Moving forward with hydra:filter (ISSUE-45)

On 19 Dez 2015 at 17:28, Ruben Verborgh wrote:
> I've waited a bit for comments on hydra:filter,

Same here

> but given that things are calm now,
> we might want to think about concrete steps to proceed.


>> +1. I think we are getting close to a solution and consensus.
>> To summarize, the things that still need to be discussed/decided are
>>  - do we need to make the filter function explicit or can we safely
>> to AND
> Seems like a safe default to me.

Yeah, we just need to make sure that we have a way to support different
filters in the future.

>>  - should we focus on describing Filters or FilteredViews (or similar)
> Not in Hydra Core as far as i'm concerned.

The question was whether we should focus on filters or whether we should
look at them as parametrized views (FilteredViews)

>>  - if it's the former, can a IriTemplate be a Filter itself at the same
> I don't see any objection to this,
> given that templates also can be used
> as the object of hydra:search currently.
> Templates _are_ filters, but there can be others.

Agree. One variation I have been tinkering is whether we should rather model
this as an operation. I still struggle to come up with a rule of what should
be an operation and what should be modeled differently (things like "changes
state" are not always as clear cut as they seem). I don't think we should
defer the decision about hydra:filter any further due to that though.

>>  - assuming that the same property needs to be used multiple times in a
>> IriTemplate, how we model that
> Not an issue for Hydra Core I think.
> (But in any case, it's not a showstopper for the hydra:filter property.)

At least not for simple AND filters.

>>  - assuming we need "transformations" or also just simply the equivalent
>> the SELECT part of a SQL/SPARQL query how do we possibly model that
> Not issues for Hydra Core I think.
> (But in any case, it's not a showstopper for the hydra:filter property.)

Not sure I agree about that.. at least being able to select which fields to
return has been requested quite a few times by now.

>> We don't need answers to all of these questions to move on but I'd like
>> get at least a basic understanding of them and the community group's
>> sentiment about them. 
> How would you feel about me writing a pull request for hydra:filter,
> based on the bits that we seems to agree on so far?
> It might be easier to judge based on a concrete proposal;
> the PR could then be used for a future call for consensus.

Sure, go ahead. I think just writing it down in an email might be more
efficient though and would allow us to discuss the right formulations etc.

Things I believe we have consensus on:
  * introduce hydra:filter as a specialization of hydra:search
  * the value of hydra:filter is an IriTemplate whose variables together
define a filter
  * the components are joined with AND
  * no value/empty string means ignore this component when using
     BasicRepresentation, and filters on empty strings on

Things I'm not sure we have consensus on yet:
  * whether we should introduce a new class like Filter AndFilter, or
  * whether we want to allow clients to select which "fields" a server
should return
     (think the SELECT part of a SQL query)
  * the above and things like offset-based pagination might make it
necessary to 
     explicitly define which IRI template variables make up the filter and
which serve
     some other purpose

Markus Lanthaler

Received on Sunday, 20 December 2015 15:50:23 UTC