Re: What is the correct media-type for a Hydra specification?

On 4/16/15 8:22 PM, Erik Wilde wrote:
> hello kingsley.
> On 2015-04-16 17:17 , Kingsley Idehen wrote:
>> I think "lookup the meaning or
>> descriptoin" of its referent is what HTTP URI based hyperlinks
>> facilitate. For instance, <#That> could *identify* an entity of Type
>> document, but that doesn't imply <#This> also *identifies* an entity of
>> type document, even though we perceive their respective meanings
>> (descriptions or connotations) via hypermedia.


> you're thinking about the RDF data model here. 

I am not.

I am actually talking about the fundamental architecture of the Web 
[1][2][3]. RDF the standard is simply retrospective formalization of 
what was already an intrinsic aspect of the Web's design.

@rel identifies a Relation.

<a/> provides relation object (or attribute value) lookup mechanism.

RDF fully exposes the names of subject, predicate [relation], and object 
parts of an entity relationship.

Using HTTP URIs in RDF statements (which represent relations) simply 
leverages HTTP in regards name interpretation i.e., 
name->document_location indirection. Basically combining denotation and 
connotation to produce identification.

> a very different thing from the web and web services. 

I disagree.

> you're right in what you say when it comes to describing the RDF data 
> model. hypermedia as a way to design loosely coupled information 
> systems is a different thing.

Hypermedia is simply webby content.

Ultimately Hydra,, and related initiatives (for describing 
HTTP driven Services) will soon put all of this confusion to REST :)


[1] -- Web Design sketch prior to Web manisfestation
-- Web Design sketch following Web manifestation.
[3] -- HTTP URI based 
Names in a single slide
> cheers,
> dret.


Kingsley Idehen 
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Received on Friday, 17 April 2015 11:28:15 UTC