Re: What is the correct media-type for a Hydra specification?

hello john.

On 2015-04-15 13:44, John Walker wrote:
> The original question from Jonathan was how to know that a document is a Hydra API Documentation without having to open it. In which case would it be an idea to add the triple that says rdf:type is hydra:ApiDocumentation into the resource that links to the documentation?

that's actually a REST anti-pattern. the link should say what to expect 
given the hypermedia context where it is found, such as saying "follow 
this link to get some API description". it should *not* say what kind of 
API description to find. that should be communicated at runtime (a.k.a. 
loose coupling), so that content negotiation and other good things can 
happen. my guess is that this is what jonathan had in mind as his 
scenario, but i may channel him wrongly.



erik wilde |  -  tel:+1-510-2061079 |
            | UC Berkeley  -  School of Information (ISchool) |
            | |

Received on Wednesday, 15 April 2015 20:55:13 UTC