Finalizing the IriTemplate design - serialization name, no datatype/language (ISSUE-30 & ISSUE-17)

It appears we have consensus on the serialization of URL template variables
that includes language and type information [1] and its name
(hydra:ExplicitRepresentation) [2]. The next thing we need to decide is how
to name the serialization which does *not* include language and type
information, i.e., it consists just of the lexical form.

We had quite some discussions about this and multiple proposals. Taking into
consideration all those discussions and the fact that this is the type that
most people without Semantic Web background will use I think the most
reasonable choice is

   hydra: BasicRepresentation 

for variable serializations without datatype/language information. Close
contenders were Value-/OnlyValue-/ValueOnlyRepresentation and
LexicalRepresentation. Especially the latter requires knowledge of RDF
terminology which I don't want to require for people who will use Hydra
without a typical Semantic Web stack.

Just to make sure we are all on the same page, the hydra:BasicRepresention
of the examples in [1] looks as follows:

  { "@id": "" }
  "A simple string"
  { "@value": "A simple string" }
    ----> A simple string
  """Also this " works"""
  { "@value": "Also this \" works" }
    ----> Also this " works
  "A language-tagged string"@en
  { "@value": "A language-tagged string", "@language": "en" }
    ----> A language-tagged string
  { "@value": "5.5", "@language": "xsd:decimal" }
    ----> 5.5

Just as with the previous proposal, please refrain from making new
suggestions at this stage but let me know whether you like or don't like
this name.



Markus Lanthaler

Received on Wednesday, 15 October 2014 17:21:23 UTC