Re: totalItems vs void:triples

> Right. Nevertheless some applications (e.g. rendering UIs) can be simplified
> if the totalItems property is "reasonably accurate". That's why I would like
> to avoid defining it strictly and instead slightly tweak the explanation in
> the TPF spec to avoid inferences as the one Kjetil made :-)
> Makes sense?

Reasonably accurate sounds fine indeed.


>    The metadata set MAY additionally contain variations of the above
>    Triple [void:triples]. For instance, if the exact number of matching
>    triples is known, it is RECOMMENDED to add a triple with the
>    same subject and object and the hydra:totalItems predicate.

I'm wondering now whether the Hydra property should be the default
and the VoID property recommended.

But that of course depends on how "reasonably accurate" hydra:totalItems is defined.
As far as it is implemented now, the best possible estimate is used for void:triples,
and I don't see any reason to do otherwise.
Is that best possible estimate good enough for hydra:totalItems?

Any thoughts on this?


Received on Tuesday, 14 October 2014 15:19:26 UTC