properties having a collection as value and hydra:Collection

Properties like schema:review allow list or single values, but normally 
that is represented by an item of the target type or an array thereof. If I 
make the value of review a link, it seems perfectly okay if the link 
dereferences a Review or a Review[]. But can it point to a hydra:Collection?

Would it be feasible to let the link point to the hydra:member attribute of 
a hydra:Collection using a fragment identifier? I found the discussion 
below, but although it was resolved to support fragment identifiers, the 
jsonld spec does not mention that solution.

How can I use a fragment identifier with json-ld?
Would the following link on the review attribute be correct with a context 
having @vocab and a hydra: term?
  "@type": "Product",
  "name": "Kenmore White 17\" Microwave",
  "review": {
     "@id": ""

Best regards,

Received on Thursday, 9 October 2014 05:18:26 UTC