RE: Fwd: Hydra and Shapes

Just a quick question Holger...

On 25 Nov 2014 at 02:20, Holger Knublauch wrote:
> I think it will be perfectly possible to automatically verify checks
> such as endDate > startDate on a JavaScript client. Here is how it would
> work:
> 1) Client receives a resource in JSON-LD and wants to display an edit
> form 2) ... looks up the rdf:type/@type of that resource: schema:Event
> 3) Client can look up the definition of schema:Event and will learn (in
> .ttl)

How do you intend to (or usually) communicate constraints which aren't for
everyone but only for users of a particular Web API.. in other words, how
would a client find constraints that apply only in certain contexts? In
Hydra we solve this by sending an HTTP Link header which points to a
hydra:ApiDocumentation that contains information which is intended to be
used only in the context of the specific request. For instance the
constraint that the name property is obligatory for instances of
schema:Event applies only in a specific Web API and not for all instances of
schema:Event on the Web.


Markus Lanthaler

Received on Wednesday, 26 November 2014 22:07:05 UTC