Re: TPF and DBMSes (was Re: Hydra and Shapes)

On Sunday 23. November 2014 13.56.57 Peter Vandenabeele wrote:
> Maybe this problem (of a distributed data set and knowing what changed
> recently
> at the other side to be able to maintain your local materialized view)
> could be addressed
> properly with the "Kappa" architecture
> ( ).
> This will allow distributed caching (e.g. with Kafka + Samza) and
> knowledge of:
> * when the most recent update was made to e.g. a TPF or other "subset"
> (LDF) that is relevant for your use case
> * which new data you need to update your local copy of that subset that
> you need.

Hmmm, that's pretty interesting. I shall admit, that's pretty new to me. There's an active stream 
processing on Semantic Web community, but I never have had time to follow it. So, yes, I think this 
could be interesting, but I think the stuff that I'm talking about here is much simpler. It could be as 
simple as just adding an mtime field to the quads table, or if the triple store is fully indexed, which is 
kinda common these days, the cardinality is just the length of the index. Stuff like that.


Received on Monday, 24 November 2014 09:38:13 UTC