Re: DBpedia now available as triple pattern fragments

Great and interesting project!

I've been using the dbpedia SPARQL endpoint for visualization purposes
and my personal experience was that it broke on me 10-30% of the time,
which is huge. There was also that problem that when I was requesting
JSON and an error happened, this came back as HTML, which is awful
when working with a JSON API ;)

So I can absolutely understand where your project steps in and it
makes a lot of sense to me.

Regarding the slow query time: I've noticed that the results are
"dropping" in. If you do clever visualization this might not hurt as
much because you can already start drawing and the user sees some
progress happening. (How much sense this makes depends on the result
format of course)

This might not remove from the actual time the process takes, but it
might make it "feel" faster and more responsive - which is a thing
that should not be underestimated.


2014-10-31 17:15 GMT+01:00 Kingsley Idehen <>:
> On 10/31/14 9:44 AM, Ruben Verborgh wrote:
>>>> I also track the DBpedia public SPARQL endpoint; however this is more
>>>> tricky.
>>>> >>The Pingdom server only pings one URL, and I have sometimes get cached
>>>> >> results,
>>>> >>even at times when DBpedia was down.
> Because the is an ngnix proxy in front of the Linked Data resources. Again,
> we handle the following, re: DBpedia:
> 1. SPARQL endpoint
> 2. Linked Data Deployment -- that includes URL re-writes and content
> negotiation etc..
>>> >
>>> >That's weird... any idea why that happens?
>> One of the layers of caching, I think.
>> I.e., simple, previously asked queries still go through because they're
>> cached,
>> but any new query does not work anymore.
>> Perhaps the SPARQLES guys have some insights into this?
> Back to why I said, we need to produce yet another report about DBpedia.
> Links:
> [1] -- last report we publish, in
> regards to DBpedia 3.8 (we have one in the works for 3.9, and will try to
> make these a quarterly affair)
> --
> Regards,
> Kingsley Idehen
> Founder & CEO
> OpenLink Software
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Received on Saturday, 1 November 2014 06:59:29 UTC