RE: How to avoid that collections "break" relationships (ISSUE-41) (was: hydra:Link)

Ruben, I've CC'ed you because I would like to hear your opinion on this

On Thursday, May 15, 2014 8:21 PM, Gregg Kellogg wrote:
> On another use case for collections, and the relationship to the
referencing entity, I
> commonly use the same Collection subclass to manage members from either
direction. For
> example, I might use a sub-class of Collection ArticleCollection, whose
members are
> Articles referenced from something. I use the same ArticleCollection from
the Article entity
> using a reverse property, to collect all of the things that the Article
might be about (e.g.,
> SFGiants and Buster Posey).
> If we use the :manages entity, as suggested, rather than using :subject,
to identify the
> common subject of all members, I would use :object, to represent the
common object of all
> members.  The two collections might look like the following:
> </giants/articles> a :ArticleCollection;
>   :manages [:subject </giants>; :property :article];
>   :member </articles/1>, </articles/2>, </articals/3>, ...
> </giants> :article </articles/1> .
> </giants> :article </articles/2> .
> ...
> From the other side, it might look like this:
> </articles/1/abouts> a ArticleCollection;
>   :manages [:object </articles/1>; property :article];
>   :member </giants>, </BusterPosey>, ...
> </giants> :article </articles/1> .
> </BusterPosey> :article </articles/2> .

The last triple would be

  </BusterPosey> :article </articles/1> .

Right? In that case, it seems a bit odd to me to call this thing a
ArticleCollection because it is really just about a single article. Calling
it a TopicCollection would make it clearer IMO. But perhaps you also just
reduced a concrete scenario you are modeling too much!?

Anyway.. I think supporting also "object" would be a good idea.

Ruben, how do you find this design? Is it helpful for your work on Linked
Data Fragments? If I remember correctly, you have some collections which
manage certain property/object pairs, right?

(Yeah, I know, it doesn't address the collection vs. page issue you raised
yet.. we will hopefully get to that one soon)

Markus Lanthaler

Received on Thursday, 15 May 2014 20:08:31 UTC