RE: How to avoid that collections "break" relationships

+cc public-lod and public-hydra which you've removed Michael

On Monday, March 24, 2014 5:54 PM, Michael Haschke wrote:
> >> Would it be correct to summarize your question as, how do we enable
> >> "mechanical" features like addressability and pagination to a value
> >> collection in a way that doesn't interfere with its semantics (i.e.,
> >> change the range)?
> >
> > Yup, this sums it up quite well. Thanks.
> I think we have the "pagination" feature already because we could
> spread resource statements over various documents, e.g.
> on /markus/friends/page/1 describe
> </markus> schema:knows </alice>.
> and on /markus/friends/page/2 add
> </markus> schema:knows </zorro>.

Yeah, but that's not the problem. The problem is how to link from /markus to /markus/friends[/page/{page}]

> Maybe we would need a property in that let us relate
> documents which contain statements about the resource, something very
> similar to rdfs:seeAlso:
> </markus> a schema:Person ;
>  rdfs:seeAlso </markus/friends/page/1> ;
>  rdfs:seeAlso </markus/friends/page/2> .

The mechanism also needs to tell in which relationship the resources stand to each other, in other words, by which property they are "connected" (schema:knows).

Markus Lanthaler

> regards,
> Haschek
> PS: as this is my first post to this group, I add a short info about me
> (don't know if it is necessary here):
> Michael Haschke, born in Leipzig, studied & worked in the AKSW at Uni
> Leipzig on the OntoWiki GUI and Erfurt plugin dispatcher. Now I'm
> working at eccenca as Front End Developer. In my spare time I wrote
> plugins for DokuWiki and small Linked Data apps like
> My URI is
> --
> Michael Haschke
> eccenca GmbH
> Neumarkt 20 | 04109  Leipzig | Germany

Received on Tuesday, 25 March 2014 15:58:23 UTC