Re: Do supported operations of a class always expect instances of the class?

Hi Jindřich

On Tue, Jun 17, 2014 at 9:49 AM, Jindřich Mynarz
<> wrote:
> Hi,
> if a hydra:Class supports a hydra:Operation, does it mean that the
> operation hydra:expects an instance of the class? Has the description
> of supported operation always the following shape?
> :Class hydra:supportedOperation [ hydra:expects :Class ] .

I think that would be unnecessary and too rigid. Consider an example
of collections, to which you can post new members

:Collection hydra:supportedOperation [ hydra:method "POST" ;
hydra:expects :CollectionElement ] .

That's just off the top of my head but very common.

> And analogously for class instances:
> :instance hydra:operation [ hydra:expects :instance ] .

With instances the first thing I can think of is a more RPC style API,
where you post commands (think CQRS)

:instance a :User ; hydra:operation [ hydra:method "POST" ;
hydra:expects :ChangePasswordCommand ] .


> - Jindřich
> --
> Jindřich Mynarz

Received on Tuesday, 17 June 2014 08:34:25 UTC