Re: My opinion about hydra vocabulary

> For example should a Hydra REST service accept all of these requests
> or just a single one of them?
>  - PATCH "/users/123" {firstName: "John", secondName: "Smith"}
>  - PATCH "/users/123" {name: "John Smith"}
>  - PATCH "/users/123" {givenName: "John", familyName: "Smith"}
>  - PATCH "/users/123" {name: {first: "John", second: "Smith"}}

How could I answer this question? I know nothing about the service. Hydra just describes what can be done how. It doesn't prescribe what must/must not be done.


Okay, then I ask otherwise. Is it possible to have a Hydra REST API which can accept all of those PATCH requests and do the same operation using the request body?


2014-06-04 23:05 GMT+02:00 Markus Lanthaler < <> >:

On Wednesday, June 04, 2014 10:43 AM, László Lajos Jánszky wrote:
> Do you intend to describe every REST service with Hydra, or just a
> specific implementation of REST services?

Not sure what you mean by "describe every REST service". How could it? It would need to know about "every REST service", right? Hydra describes a specific implementation.

> For example should a Hydra REST service accept all of these requests
> or just a single one of them?
>  - PATCH "/users/123" {firstName: "John", secondName: "Smith"}
>  - PATCH "/users/123" {name: "John Smith"}
>  - PATCH "/users/123" {givenName: "John", familyName: "Smith"}
>  - PATCH "/users/123" {name: {first: "John", second: "Smith"}}

How could I answer this question? I know nothing about the service. Hydra just describes what can be done how. It doesn't prescribe what must/must not be done.

Markus Lanthaler


Received on Thursday, 5 June 2014 21:21:14 UTC