Re: Allowing variableRepresentation also on IriTemplateMapping (was: variable representations edited for spec)

> I completely agree that it would be nice to do
> so in some cases but does it change anything apart from making the resulting
> URLs longer/shorter?

> Absolutely. I just don't see how mixing representation formats helps clients
> or servers or enables new functionality that can't be realized otherwise.

The use case I mentioned earlier would not be supported:

Extending the triple pattern fragments interface with a structured free-text object search:
   ?subject / ?predicate / ?object / ?freeText
where the ?freeText field allows control characters (*, ?, …).
Then the first 3 are IRIs/literals, the fourth is free-text.

We cannot simply split this in two forms,
because then we cannot combine a subject filter and a free-text filter.

The datatype-based solution might work (even though I dislike that modeling),
but then again we'd have to specify this is allowed for that field.
This is probably best discussed in the freetext thread.



Received on Wednesday, 31 December 2014 16:45:18 UTC