RE: Prototype JSON-LD/Hydra wrapper for BreweryDB API

Hi John,

On Sunday, December 28, 2014 12:51 PM, John Walker wrote:
> Hi All, 
> In my spare time I've been working on a JSON-LD wrapper for BreweryDB
> and have reached what I consider to be a demo-able state.

Cool, thanks for sharing it.

> Basically I have a pretty simple (and hacky) PHP script that
> manipulates the JSON repsonses from the BrewerDB API into JSON-LD.  It
> doesn't provide full coveage of the API yet and needs a bit of
> tidying, I've put it in a Gist if anyone cares to take a look [2]
> (bear in mind this is the first thing I've done in PHP).  Curently it
> only works fully with the beer endpoints [3] from the original API.

Since you manipulate the responsens anyway, I would suggest to get rid of those top-level status and message properties (at least in case of success). The HTTP status code (200) should be enough to k now that everything went fine.

> I'm trying to figure out how to handle all the variations in the JSON
> structure without using a load of repetition, nested if-then-else and
> foreach loops, so if anyone with some PHP knowhow can suggest a better
> method, I'm all ears.

You could either try to use templates instead of hand-coding this or replace most of the if (array_key_exists("XX",$item)) blocks with a loop and some simple configuration (an associative array should suffice).

> Also would like to know how I can get rid of index.php out of the following
> URIs.

If you are using Apache and have mod_rewrite enabled, the following lines in a .htaccess file should do the trick

  <IfModule mod_rewrite.c>
    RewriteEngine On

    # Serve existing files as before
    RewriteCond %{REQUEST_FILENAME} -f 
    RewriteRule .? - [L] 

    # Rewrite all other queries to index.php 
    RewriteRule ^(.*)$ /index.php/$1 [L]

> Some examples: 
> A beer: 
> A beer with it's breweries: 
> A paginated collection of beers of 4% ABV: 
> These support conneg (to some extent), so you'll probably get plain old
> JSON if you open them in your browser. 
> If you put them into the JSON-LD playground, you should get the JSON-LD e.g.: 
> I'm also using a bit of Hydra, for example the /beers list endpoint is
> a hydra:PagedCollection and I added the links to first, last, previous
> and next pages.  I am also going to extend the vocabulary to use more
> Hydra to, for example, indicate which properties are a hydra:Link  and
> perhaps detail out some IRI templates.  However as this is just a
> learning exercise I probably will not cover all possibilites offered
> by the original API, but hopefully enough to convince the BrweryDB
> guys to implement it themselves.

Please keep us posted on your progress and the problems you encounter.


> Comments welcome! 
> p.s. this is using my API key right now, so might exceed my limits if
> too many requests are made (3.5K per day I think).
> [1] 
> [2] 
> [3] 

Markus Lanthaler

Received on Monday, 29 December 2014 16:06:19 UTC