3Scale's API Bunny Challenge

Hi guys,

a couple of days ago 3Scale launched http://apibunny.com - a funny little
API where you have to find the exit of a maze. I couldn't resist and
converted it to a JSON-LD + Hydra powered Web API. You can access it at


and of course also in the Hydra Console


Hold down the shift key when you click on a link to avoid that modal to pop

Please note that submitting your twitter handle doesn't work as I was too
lazy to convert the JSON-LD that the console sends to the API to JSONAPI but
you see that it renders the form etc.

The conversion was quite straightforward and very simple. I used
apitools.com to do so. I have a couple of invites left if someone wants to
try it. I can also share the conversion code if someone is interested (it's
a couple of lines written in Lua).

Have fun,

Markus Lanthaler

Received on Monday, 21 April 2014 19:49:29 UTC