Re: Let's get started

Hi all,

just a quick word of introduction. My name is Robin Berjon. I'm a web 
hacker, mostly JS these days, and I've worked on a number of 
standards-related projects.

I'm interested in reducing the impedance mismatch between the primary 
uses of data on the Web, which tend to involve interacting with some 
form of database, editing in HTML forms, exposing APIs, generating 
pages, validating, and in general munging data. Hence my curiosity in Hydra.

I'm a big fan of linked data in all parts except the RDF data model, 
which I think is a mistake. (That should set the tone right from the 
start. ;)

I blogged a bit about that (and continued discussion in the comments):

I have my own (personal, unfinished, experimental, etc.) hack that I've 
been using mostly to think about this space, Web Schema:

I look forward to discussing all of this :)

Robin Berjon - - @robinberjon

Received on Monday, 1 July 2013 10:31:41 UTC