Re: [Specifications] Retracting operations (#246)

> ApiDocumentation being dynamic is just not something developers will expect.

We may have a different expectation here, but that is one important difference which puts Hydra ahead of everyone else. The API Documentation can change over time...

> as a template for which operations might become available

We could accomplish that with OWL or SHACL by having a "computed class". For example.

  a rdfs:Class, hydra:Class, sh:NodeShape ;
  rdfs:subClassOf </api/Article> ;
  sh:property [
    sh:path schema:status ;
    sh:in ( </api/Draft> ) ;
  ] ;
  hydra:supportedOperation [
    a schema:UpdateAction ;
    hydra:method "PUT" ;
    hydra:expects </api/Article> ;
  ] ;

A resource representation would not need to be explicitly typed `</api/EditableArticle>` but instead a representation could be dynamically matched against that shape-class to determine whether that operation is allowed or not. 

A server could make that precomputation too, if desired, which would accommodate the authorization-dependent operation

> Yes, Hydra Core needs a way to retract operations

I am not convinced. Operation being additive are going to be much easier overall.

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