- From: Karol Szczepański via GitHub <sysbot+gh@w3.org>
- Date: Sun, 03 Feb 2019 18:41:41 +0000
- To: public-hydra-logs@w3.org
alien-mcl has just merged alien-mcl's pull request 176 for https://github.com/HydraCG/Specifications: == Add domainIncludes/rangeIncludes statements == I've added some _domain_ predicates. There are other terms that would need this kind of specification, but they are applicable to more than type of resource. I hesitated to use both _schema:domainIncludes_ or _owl:unionOf_ based constructs. I didn't see any such a logic process that utilized _schem_ predicate and using _owl_ would bring mayhem to the spec. Feel free to deliberate more. See https://github.com/HydraCG/Specifications/pull/176
Received on Sunday, 3 February 2019 18:41:42 UTC