[Specifications] Expressing actions (#154) within ApiDocumentation

tpluscode has just created a new issue for https://github.com/HydraCG/Specifications:

== Expressing actions (#154) within ApiDocumentation ==
On today's call we discussed that the premise of PR #154 is to allow, as the title states, performing requests on a different target. That is, as opposed to `hydra:Operation` which always assumes that the target will be the object of a `?s hydra:operation ?o` triple.

Taking advantage of `supportedProperty` and `supportedOperation` combined should make it also possible.

Let's have a car resource, linked to a steering wheel:

``` json
  "@type": [ "ex:Car" ],
  "@id": "/the/car"
  "ex:steeringWheel": {
    "@id": "/the/wheel"

We can currently define the ApiDocumentation so that any occurrence of `ex:steeringWheel` implies that it's subject will support given operations:

``` json
  "supportedClass": {
    "@id": "ex:Car",
    "supportedProperty": {
      "@id": "ex:steeringWheel",
      "supportedOperation": [ {
        "@type": "ex:TurnLeftOperation"
      }, {
        "@type": "ex:TurnRightOperation"

This way any subject of `?car ex:steeringWheel ?subject` will be a assumed a valid for the turn operations, regardless of it's precise class. I think it should be also allowed to have an `IriTemplate` in place of  `/the/wheel`

``` json
  "@type": [ "ex:Car" ],
  "@id": "/the/car"
  "ex:steeringWheel": {
    "@type": "IriTemplate"

@lanthaler please confirm I'm not inventing my own Hydra here.
@elf-pavlik how would similar be expressed with ApiDocumentation and the actions being discussed in #154

Please view or discuss this issue at https://github.com/HydraCG/Specifications/issues/160 using your GitHub account

Received on Monday, 19 March 2018 20:15:52 UTC