[Specifications] new commits pushed by lanthaler

The following commits were just pushed by lanthaler to https://github.com/HydraCG/Specifications:

* Include Ruben's "Hydra architectural diagram" in main repository (#128; will be used to organize our work)

* Set up document.
* Add main packages.
* Add API Modeling blocks.
* Add hypermedia subpackages.
* Add paging and filtering.
* Add actions.
* Add forms.
* Add errors.
* Compile diagram to PDF on Travis.
* Push compiled version to gh-pages.
* Build SVG image as well.
* Switch to Helvetica.
* Fix text alignment.
* Explain arrows.
* Use safe/unsafe instead of read/write.
* Add structure for describing components.
* Explain resources.
* Explain collections.
* Add Web API to diagram.
* Explain Web API.
* Clarify that collections are resources.
* Explain errors.
* Explain paging.
* Explain filtering.
* Discuss URI templates.
* Refine URI Templates, Fields, Entity Bodies.
* Fix indentation.
* Resources and collections also describe representations.
* Explain filtering.
* Explain actions.
* Explain dependencies.
* Make listed properties optional.
* Clarify separation of controls and data.
* Mention non-RDF bodies.
* Fix typo.
* Update Travis scripts for main repo.
* Install packages through APT addon.
  by Ruben Verborgh

Received on Monday, 10 July 2017 20:01:27 UTC