Hi All,
FWIW: I did a 'hotrfc'[1] on Humanitarian ICT[2] at IETF119[3]. ( I also
sent a note about the idea via a feedback form following the last
https://www.un.org/techenvoy/global-digital-compact but also, before
It was my first IETF, so, spent the time learning rather than talking,
generally otherwise (figured, having something to try to do was a good way
to learn!)...
Objective is to get it ready for IETF120...
If you would be interested in helping to define this 00 draft, please feel
welcome to reach out. I expect I'll have more of the foundational
considerations, from my point of view, put together over the next fortnight
or so - there's a bit of post ietf119 follow-up to do generally..
i've not done this process before, and generally live poorly, as a
consequence of doing - humanitarian ict - work - over the many years...
hopefully, 'peace industries' will grow to deliver SDGs and make one of
the ways people earn the 'big bucks' in future, being about being
successful in positively impacting the lives of billions:
https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=lHB_G_zWTbc - but that's an ontological
design[4] thing, imo... and the circumstances for people dedicated to
these important, yet nuanced works, is, imho, very poorly supported atm..
which means, there's alot missing.
seems like an important thing to do... doing my best, but, which includes
- reaching out, for input... ;)
For those interested, i'll follow-up with the WIP (work in progress) links,
when they're available; but will also post them to the github repo...
Timothy Holborn
[3] https://datatracker.ietf.org/meeting/119/agenda
[4] https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=aigR2UU4R20