Re: Sense work - update


I've made this video playlist about HDF5:

i've had a bit more of a look at the NetCDF related works, and i'm not sure
whether its the right path, but have a few things going on atm; so, i
thought i'd cover it all via my reply.

RE: the HDF5 file structure / format,

i'll be using an example of the english language to create a POC that can
be used for testing, examples & apps; where i'm just starting to think
about how to define the mapping file,

The container would include;
- all alphabetic characters, including vector representation and likely
also unicode character information, etc...
- all words, including the phonetic representation, geo-spatial history of
words and meanings, parts of speech, antonyms, etc.

There's a few draft notes  but i've
also got some updates that i haven't pushed (had a computer failure, i'll
not go into detail); and, to some-degree, i'm not sure how useful those
notes are anymore in anycase; as the works have advanced alot since i wrote
them & set-up as to ensure my efforts (webizen), didn't
seek to own language or some such related field of moral concerns... then
WSIS, UN, establishing this - its been a bit of a snowball... in anycase,

There are various existing resources to produce this type of resource for
English as well as many other languages already, however the process of
defining the structure of this format would be the bigger implication for
languages that are not already covered by unicode / web or 'ai' support...
generally otherwise.  by seeking to address english, this will end-up going
into latin, old-norse, celtic and various other stem languages, and indeed
also, i'm looking forward to encoding heraldry - but my cultural journey,
somewhat inspired by the consequence of works with Australian indigenous
efforts since 2009/10 (related to: ) for
people, with many languages - but none where books had anything to do with
it, will in-turn be much like other use-cases i know you to be very focused
on, alongside others in india and elsewhere; that, through the use of the
english system (english is used by w3c) can be employed to advance works
for other languages and applications...  seeking to advance standards, but
also seeking to ensure we work to deliver solutions that support human
dignity, ASAP, regardless...

Therein - in-effect, this HDF5 methodology should provide the ability to
provide structured context about the different ways the dataset (in this
case, the english language) may be employed, in relation to other
documents, applications, programs and sensors; employing various
comprehensive representations of that dataset, is what the objective for
the file-format is seeking to address, notwithstanding the desirable means
to also look at how to produce decentralised protocols as a complementary
companion and/or alternative...

In-turn that file can be downloaded, and importantly, there is an ability
to use the contents of these files, without having to load the entire file
into memory; which would be a massive barrier.  However the exact method
for defining how to construct these files, optimally, is now only barely
started...  It'll take some iterations, unless we find some sage, wise,
existing experts, willing to lend a hand and help to accelerate the
research to evaluate whether this is indeed a worthy pursuit / solution, or
if there's a better, alternative approach.  Also, the ecosystem components
envisaged, make a significant difference as to whether or not there's any
useful purpose for these works at all.  If natural persons are defined by a
wallet and all words are streamed in real-time, then arguably there's
nothing needed at 'the edge', as we're often called...

Historically, with respect to alternatives,

Alternatives have included;
- RDF Documents (various notation formats)
- SQL or RDBMS databases
- Graph Databases
- Vector Databases (emergent)

However, I have not found a solution that appears to be as fit-for-purpose
as these HDF5 related R&D outcomes, which still also needs to be advanced
and tested.  The n-dimensionality of representing social contexts
(multi-agent systems) becomes incredibly complex...  if it can't be
represented, then it can't be processed by systems that depend upon the
data (or evidence) being provided to it - in-order to do its job, whatever
that may be...

other use-cases, beyond languages (noting, that they could be
interdependent), will be objective purposes like a person's entire 'life
log' as may be considered usefully required for medical purposes, or in a
court of law or various other complex high-stakes situations where failure
to provide situational awareness comprehensively as to communicate context,
may lead to severe injustices, harms and indeed also - untimely deaths,
and/or outcomes that have unnecessarily negative impacts upon the souls,
the minds of clinicians, judges & other persons of 'trust'...

but overall, there's alot of use-cases...  many...

With respect to logic representation, I haven't further developed any fixed
view about it; other than considerations relating to,

- for support of a 'backwards compatibility' requirement as a safety
protocol (inc. social security, digital prisons, etc.) the output should be
backwards compatible with solid.  This appears to be viable atm.
- Prolog, Julia, Matlab, etc.  all provide sophisticated capabilities in
fields relating to logic programming...

the need to support both subjective and objective realities, is a
critically important factor; and, in my opinion, attempts to institute
'thought controls' upon people, which has the implication of enslavement,
effectively... even if the barriers are up for purely commercial reasons
(ie: like a tollgate); as asserted, impairing the ability to define or
communicate 'truth' (objective reality); whether it be in relation to a
dispute, that may end-up in a court of law, or more broadly, to determine
rights, responsibilities, character, context, meaning, values, etc...
which is often also linked with business systems that seek to mute
accountability, as to ensure gainful results without negative repercussions
and at worst - thereafter also act as to seek to ensure that there are no
other alternatives allowed.  This is also, to some-degree, a social and/or
ideological position held by various groups, for various reasons...

so, whilst i'm strongly opposed, and believe that there is a sufficiently
significant market of others who are also very interested in solutions that
can support 'reality check tech' features, as i believe becomes essential
for providing a safe, useful and capability for 'dignity enhancing'
foundations to ensure support private & personal AI systems, and by
extension, bigger social / community (ie: commercial) systems; that
supports for the social fabric brought about as that form interwoven
dependencies, critical for productivity, common law, human rights, etc...

There are alternative ideologies out there, and interoperability /
portability (of human beings / souls) is an essential safety requirement
for human centric ai systems, imo...

Similar to - these use-cases, where I wish they had deployed 'mental health
checks' for 'workers' in that field, far earlier, as to ensure people who
might fail that test with their doctor, or not be able to go get the test -
can be distinguished from those who do have them done...  the actual point
- is about 'the journey out', the means to ensure that there is capacity to
support human rights when the realities of whether or not agents do support
them, or in-fact do not, is in-real terms - able to be tested...

like 'fair weather sailers', vs. those, you can depend upon in a storm..
something, mayn, when writing their wills just before their second
deployment on behalf of their countries, understand well...  alongside, the
importance, of ensuring best efforts are made to produce the peace
infrastructure we need, to transformationally improve the lives of others,
everywhere. life on earth.


The objective of this constituency; is to form a sufficiently comprehensive
means to communicate the full, n-dimensional requirements of datasets
requiring these complexities, including languages which are particularly
important as a foundational requirement to support the development of
personal ontology support systems, and that starts with the tooling needed
to improve support for the means through which we may then be able to be
made able to, better understand one-another...  via human centric ai

which can thereby be employed for defining various ontological systems; and
in-turn also, support far richer foundational dataset requirements for
other AI models, that are likely to be 'plugged in' via python, etc...
that may in-turn, act to support 'transformer' models (ie: like chat gpt)
or other neural net, deep learning, machine learning, etc...  packages; and
the means for others to produce those packages, by developing them in such
a way that means they can employ these sorts of underlying data-packages
that are more comprehensive than wordnet and other similar large language
datasets; which as noted,

is thought to be one application of many...

I also note, that whilst POC work could more easily be done by simply using
something like:

As we have discussed, there is a massive issue with respect to the
challenges related to ensuring support for all languages of prayer, all
mother tongue languages..  particularly for private & personal AI agents,
as thought important for support human rights, right to self-determination,
the right to be heard.

In consideration, given the very important nature of this problem, I have
been working towards figuring out how to define a solution at this early
stage, before I've got something that could otherwise be far simpler to
demonstrate various other important considerations / qualities, etc...  due
to my considerations about the level of importance that should be afforded
to ensuring human centric ai works act to support the human dignity of all
members of our human family, of which, language, is such a foundational
construct to consciousness, selfhood and indeed also means to support

sparsity and 'location':

quantum language processing:
plausibility vs. understanding:

That whilst many are very focused on ensuring all members of our human
family are issued a 'key', that if lost can be replaced - as the means to
define their identity via a 'wallet', and thereby provide support for
systems intended to be deployed for purposes relating to health, commerce,
education and interactions between natural persons and incorporated
entities, particularly governmental entities...  such forms of alternative
'visions' of the future, are believed incapable of supporting some of the
detailed requirements considered both before, and from the beginnings of
the w3c works in ~2012-3 that led to my involvement in creating some of
those tools; and whilst it is most certainly important to ensure
interoperability and portability, akin to the right for persons in relation
to faith / religion (as defined by UDHR);  there are also many, many
factors that still require so much work, notwithstanding testimonials by
others in former years declaring that they were doing it all already, and
now, well...  it is what it is, whilst various international stakeholders
move swiftly to define frameworks for digital transformation based upon
what it is they know now.  based upon what it is, that is available.  not
ideas, that might happen sometime in the future...   as such, the hope is,
that in future - so long as solutions improve support for human rights,
rule of law, etc..  that these future alternatives, be allowed...

as such,

there's alot that seemingly isn't best done in the W3C groups  and requires
a follow-up on the old-work i did earlier for forming a means to support
considerations via a global ISOC Topic SIG, that could in-turn act to work
with the existing regional chapters around the world (~120 atm??); to be
part of this process, you've got to join, here's the link,

Here's some links to some of the older work relating to these
Feb 2016 - Knowledge Banking SIG

30 Oct 2017 - Internet Society: Personhood and the Infosphere (A Human
Centric Infosphere) Special Interest Group Terms of Reference v0.1

May 2018 - Internet Australia Knowledge Banking SIG Slides

July 2018 - Knowledge Banking SIG TOR Draft

April 2019 - Web Civics - Global SIG application

I am also actively looking for support to advance works (resources);
however, it is very difficult to find people with the skills required to
work without compensation, as has been the case for a decade or so, and
indeed, is one of the many reasons seemingly contributing towards the
consequence of technologies developing, yet still lacking functional
capacities to better empower people to protect and support their own human
rights via lawful means; which is in-turn, linked with the problems
associated to corruption, that the UN Suggests is around 5% of GDP: and i'm not presently sure how
to best calculate the Co2 impacts nor the productivity impacts, nor the
impacts on our ability to better strive to achieve the SDGs.

In summary;

Work on this 'hdf5' research works, which as far as I'm aware has not been
done before,  will take some weeks to advance; indeed, it may take some
months, if not longer, to get to a point where a download link to working
software can be sent to you...  so that your social experience, the way you
experience and interact with the world online, your conscious experience of
life, become far more greatly defined by you; and should you need to
'explain yourself' to whomever, contextually - that your means to do so,
irrespective of the wealth that may or may not be found in your wallet, as
to ensure peace - can be found and best supported, by law.

As noted, sadly, there's still alot to do, but I'm working on it and I hope
this helps.  the means to transform these works into something that
properly defines software in a way that relates to the microsoft link you
have forwarded, requires context; and the most important context to ensure
is supported for you, is your context, not that of others who could create
an alternative reality for you to live in, as a human resource for
different sorts of socio-economic models; that may be very difficult to
spot, unless, we can figure out the 'human' level personal ontology stuff,


Timothy Holborn.

On Sat, 24 Jun 2023 at 23:30, BVK Sastry <> wrote:

> Namaste
> I came across a link of 1995 - from Microsoft Research - which could be
> worth a revisit in current discussion context.
> Regards
> BVK Sastry
> On Wed, 21 Jun 2023, 5:33 am Timothy Holborn, <>
> wrote:

Received on Saturday, 24 June 2023 16:56:47 UTC