Re: [httpslocal/usecases] An example of the STAR solution in local network (#16)

>Many thanks for your proposal! I merged it but I'm concerned about:
>'NDO' should be 'DNO' ?

Thanks, it is a typo. I will change to 'DNO'.

>Isn't it necessary for NDC to achieve an ACME challenge in the refresh step? If it is true, I think NDC cannot refresh the certificate in STAR-compliant way because NDC cannot control the DNS entry directly and cannot choose a HTTP-based ACME challenge.

The draft of STAR does not clearly state an ACME challenge at the refresh step. [2.2 Refresh in STAR]( I guess that the refresh will be automatically by ACME Server and STAR Server(NDO), so NDC communicates only with ACME server to refresh the cert. I need to study this furthermore.

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