Third semantic HTML vocabulary meeting on January 30th

Hi all,

Welcome to the third session for the semantic HTML-vocabulary community group! It has been a long time but not without interesting developments. Looking forward to be able to share these with you. We are also going to ask you to get involved by simply using the vocabulary and related tooling, and sharing your experiences with us. Eternal glory upon those that have done so before this meeting 😉


Tuesday January the 30th
19:00 – 21:00 (CET)
Google Meet session<>

In this session we will address the following:


  1.  Opening of the meeting
  2.  Welcome by the chair
  3.  Introduction of new members
  4.  Housekeeping (secretary/notes)
  5.  Recent developments
     *   Tooling (RDF2HTML and HTML2RDF)
     *   HTML vocabulary in use at the Dutch Ministry of Finance
     *   Updated vocabulary (html attributes, logic, labeling, general hygiene)
     *   OntoReSpec, OntoManchester, OntoMermaid
  6.  Your experience in using the vocabulary and tooling
  7.  Draft report for the community group
  8.  Planning/roadmap
  9.  Questions and suggestions
  10. Closing of the meeting

See also the Semantic HTML Vocabulary community page<> and the associated Github repository<>. Till soon!

With kind regards,

Flores Bakker
Enterprise architect

Ministerie van Financiën
Directoraat-Generaal Rijksbegroting
Directie Begrotingszaken
Korte Voorhout 7 | 2511 CW | Den Haag | KV 3
Postbus 20201 | 2500 EE | Den Haag
M 06 - 25 68 44 12<>

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