Re: Session invite: draft report HTML vocabulary

Flores, and everyone, I replied MAYBE
Please send link to meeting one hour before the meeting starts, and if I am
online, I ll join
Either way, I ll be happy to take a look at the draft report and find the
vocabulary useful as a reference
(see separate email) Sorry I am not able to contribute more at this time -
much uncertainty
Thank you for your work

On Mon, Nov 18, 2024 at 10:42 PM Bakker, F (Flores) (BZ/BBH) <> wrote:

> Hi all!
> Dear members of the HTML Vocabulary Community Group,
> We are pleased to invite you to our next meeting, scheduled for Wednesday,
> 11th December, from 19:00–21:00 CET (Central European Time, UTC+1)
> [13:00–15:00 EST].
> *Agenda*
>    1. *Presentation of the Draft Report*
> We will present a draft report of the RDF-based HTML vocabulary, so that
> you are able to give feedback on the report. See for the current status the
> following link to the Github repository. Under the folder Specification,
> you will find not only the turtle serialization of the vocabulary but also
> a HTML file containing the current version of the draft report. The
> vocabulary itself is ready and functioning! This is demonstrated by two
> things:
> (1) the use of the latest version of the HTML vocabulary within the Dutch
> ministry of Finance to generate the budget tables for the formal budget
> bills of law;
> (2) the draft report that is generated by the HTML vocabulary itself,
> through the open source tool OntoReSpec.
> Currently, we are still finishing some details of the draft report, like a
> diagram of the vocabulary and some paragraphs on the structure of the
> vocabulary, but most of the report is finished as well. Both the vocabulary
> and the report are open for your feedback though! Comments, criticisms and
> compliments are all welcome 🙂
>    2. *Discussion on a Showcase Event*
> We will explore organizing a showcase event for a broader audience. This
> open-invite event aims to share the draft report and vocabulary, raising
> awareness of the existence of the vocabulary, its meaning and methodology.
> In addition, we aim to gather further valuable feedback.
>    3. *How to proceed from here*
> We will also discuss how to proceed from this point. What do we still want
> and need to achieve as a community group? How can we start a formal W3C
> working group trajectory? Which open points of the vocabulary are there to
> address within the current community group and which ones in a W3C working
> group?
>    4. *Questions and comments*
> Please mark your calendars! We look forward to your participation and
> insights as we progress with this important work. Only with your presence
> we can take the next step in helping organisations and individuals to get a
> better grasp of their information products.
> Best regards,
> Flores Bakker
> HTML Vocabulary Community Group Chair
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Received on Wednesday, 4 December 2024 00:25:24 UTC