Re: Reminder - Kickoff Session: Semantic HTML-Vocabulary

thank you for the reminder, and I ll take this opportunity to intro myself
I am the founding chair of the W3C AI KR CG, and have had an interest in
the SW and in html
for a long time (must be twenty years?)
SW because it promises to support intelligent reasoning on the open web,
html because
its about the level of technology I can do intuitively,  without having to
study a coding language
and it has worked wonderfully and simply for what was worth
So for me the question here is, can we have a SW with html, ie, without RDF
OWL SHACL and what not?
 Interested to see what is being done, hopefully I can contribute something
as well
shall circulate to our CG
Please send a reminder closer to the date
thank you

On Sun, Aug 7, 2022 at 5:45 PM Bakker, F (Flores) (BZ/BBH) <> wrote:

> Just to make sure everyone receives this…a reminder:
> 20th of september
> 21.00 CET - 22.30 CET
> Webex videocall
> Hi all,
> Welcome to the kickoff session for the semantic HTML-vocabulary community
> group!
> In this session we will introduce the community group’s members and
> mission, prototype 0.1 and 0.2 and some demo material, followed by a
> preliminary planning/roadmap. After (and during) the introduction there
> will be room for questions and suggestions of the members.
>   1.  Opening of the meeting
>   2.  Welcome by the chair
>   3.  Introduction of the members
>   4.  Introduction of the community group’s mission
>   5.  Prototype 0.1 and a demo
>   6.  Prototype 0.2
>   7.  Preliminary planning/roadmap
>   8.  Questions and suggestions
>   9.  Closing of the meeting
> Looking forward to meeting you all on this exciting innovative journey.
> With kind regards,
> Flores Bakker
> Enterprise architect
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Received on Sunday, 7 August 2022 10:45:22 UTC