Re: The interpretation of script

David Carlisle scripsit:

> but that's the point: you then need totally different javascript (or  
> cdata in comment hacks) depending on whether you are serving  
> /application+xml or /html. Which negates much of the "dom consistency"  
> design of the rest of the system.

You can have DOM consistency or textual consistency in such cases,
but not both.  If you have plain-text content (JavaScript or not) in a
script element, you need to escape it when delivering as XHTML, and not
escape it when delivering as HTML.  This is no different from a raft of
other points.

But the next day there came no dawn,            John Cowan
and the Grey Company passed on into the
darkness of the Storm of Mordor and were
lost to mortal sight; but the Dead
followed them.          --"The Passing of the Grey Company"

Received on Tuesday, 18 January 2011 02:53:22 UTC