Re: XForms Use Case

Kurt Cagle scripsit:

> May I make a recommendation. 

That's not a recommendation, it's a flame.

> I do think,
> however, that the general impression that many people have of this process
> (speaking as someone who is setting standards within a large federal agency)
> is that, as with many other aspects of HTML5, that this preoccupation with
> reinventing the wheel to actively exclude XML is frankly getting old and is
> throwing away a huge amount of accumulated knowledge about what works and
> what doesn't, on the basis of what appears to be ego. Maybe I'm wrong -

Wrong or not, the words "throwing away a huge amount of accumulated
knowledge about what works and what doesn't" has been applied to both
sides already.  I suggest not going there again.

As Spider Robinson says, it's not who picks the most potatoes, it's can we
get the potatoes picked before winter comes.

John Cowan
The penguin geeks is happy / As under the waves they lark
The closed-source geeks ain't happy / They sad cause they in the dark
But geeks in the dark is lucky / They in for a worser treat
One day when the Borg go belly-up / Guess who wind up on the street.

Received on Thursday, 13 January 2011 00:07:26 UTC